Haruna Isah, PhD, AFHEA

Associate Director, Centre for Applied AI (CAAI)

Sheridan College, Oakville Campus

I am an experienced leader in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity with over a decade of expertise in applied research, strategic planning, and fostering innovation. As the Associate Director of Sheridan's Centre for Applied AI, I focus on driving impactful research and industry partnerships that solve real-world challenges.

Dr. Haruna Isah

Recent News


I am now an Associate Director in charge of Sheridan's Centre for Applied AI (CAAI).

Center for Applied AI

I have joined Sheridan's Centre for Applied AI as a Research Manager.

Center for Applied AI

I am one of the judges in the first ever made right here entrepreneurship Diversity Atlantic Awards for excellence in diversity and inclusion hosted by TD and Advocate.

2023 Diversity Atlantic Awards

I will be teaching the following modules during the CIC's 2023 RICKS Program: Social Engineering and Ethical Hacking, Data Analytics, and SIEM

Social Engineering and Ethical Hacking, Data Analytics, and SIEM

I will be teaching the 2023 Digital Forensics Summer Course

Digital Forensics

Selected Publications

Detecting and Mitigating the Dissemination of Fake News: Challenges and Future Research Opportunities

Shahid, Wajiha, Bahman Jamshidi, Saqib Hakak, Haruna Isah, Wazir Zada Khan, Muhammad Khurram Khan, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems2022

Data Breach: Analysis, Countermeasures, and Challenges

Xichen Zhang, Mohammad Mehdi Yadollahi, Dadkhah Sajjad, Haruna Isah, Hamid Azimy, Duc-Phong Le, Ali A. Ghorbani

International Journal of Information and Computer Security2021

A Survey of Distributed Data Stream Processing Frameworks

Haruna Isah, Tariq Abughofa, Sazia Mahfuz, Dharmitha Ajerla, Farhana Zulkernine, and Shahzad Khan

IEEE Access2019

Stock Market Analysis: A Review and Taxonomy of Prediction Techniques

Dev Shah, Haruna Isah, and Farhana Zulkernine

International Journal of Financial Studies2019

A Big Data Lake for Multilevel Streaming Analytics

Ruoran Liu, Haruna Isah, and Farhana Zulkernine

The International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Practices (IBDAP 2020)2020

Selected Talks


Cybersecurity Revolution 2021 Presentation

Interpreting AI-based Cybercrime Prediction

May 21st, 2021

CIC Webinar Series'20

Meet Cybersecurity Experts

Real-time Analytics for Cybersecurity

November 13th, 2020

Advance Ontario'19

SOSCIP 3 Minute Impact Competition

Spot and Stop Fake News: Using Deep Learning to Predict the Veracity of News Streams

May 15th-16th, 2019


Technology Expo at CASCON 2018

A Multilevel Streaming Data Analytics Infrastructure for Predictive Analytics

October 30th, 2018


Queens Post-Doc Research Showcase & Reception

BAM-Lab/Gnowit Collaboration, Impact, and Success Stories

September 20th, 2018


SOSCIP Postdoctoral Fellows Lightning Round Competition

A Multilevel Streaming Data Analytics Infrastructure for Predictive Analytics

May 16th, 2018


Machine Learning: A Computational Intelligence Approach MLCI 2015 (3rd edition)

Sentiment Analysis of User-Generated Contents for Pharmaceutical Product Safety

July 8th, 2015


University of Bradford ACM Student Chapter Seminar

Research Opportunities and Challenges in Big Data: BigDat2015 Lessons

June 11th, 2015